We are always interested in hearing from potential school governors. Each school within the Trust has its own local governing body and members include community, co-opted and parent and staff governors.
A governing body has a vital strategic role. The Government and Ofsted have high expectations of its ability to hold Headteachers and Executive Principals to account and drive improvement.
The role of the local governing board is also a strategic one, its key functions are to:
- set the aims and objectives for the school
- set the policies for achieving those aims and objectives
- set the targets for achieving those aims and objectives
- monitor and evaluate the progress the school is making towards achievement of its aims and objectives
- be a source of challenge and support to the Executive Principal/Headteacher (a critical friend)
Each governor needs to attend the full governing body meeting (usually 3 meetings per year) and serve on a sub-committee (usually 5 meetings per year).
f you are interested in finding out more please contact Imelda Dempsey, Clerk to the Trust Board and Local Governing Bodies: [email protected]