Science Teacher
Bushey Meads School
As a member of the Bushey Meads Science Faculty I was really pleased to have the opportunity to work with my primary school counterparts and run a science INSET during which staff conducted a number of experiments that could be repeated with their pupils. All the science investigations could be tailored to the age-related appropriate depth of student understanding. Lots of on-line resources and ideas were also shared and, after the presentations, staff worked on how to incorporate these into schemes of work. It was great!
Assistant Headteacher
Bushey Meads School
As the MAT’s Data Protection Officer (DPO) I was able to deliver a comprehensive training session to all staff across the MAT. As the DPO I also attended each Full Governing Body Meeting within the Bushey St James Trust this term and have trained all Governors in the key aspects of data protection and security pertinent to their roles and the within the work that they do within their schools and across the Trust.
Bushey Meads School
I loved our recent MAT Teacher Toolkit focused on writing across the years from Early Years, all the way up to Year 13. It was a fantastic opportunity to learn about how children learn to write through mark making and developing their fine motor skills in Nursery and Reception, all the way up to Sixth form where the children are learning to develop their understanding of high level texts and interpreting meaning behind the different use of language.
Hartsbourne Primary School
Each year in November the Bushey St James Trust organises an annual conference for all staff across the three schools. Inspiring themes have included Creating a Culture of Stretch and Challenge and Harnessing the Power of Independent Learning. We have benefited from listening to superb key note speakers and taking part in really useful workshops delivered by Leading Practitioners which support our continuing professional development programme across our three schools.
Bushey Meads School
The BSJT Reading Group is now in its second year. With its continued focus on developing current and relevant pedagogical knowledge, the half termly sessions offer an opportunity for staff like me to find out about recent developments in education, discuss the validity of each and identify new strategies to trial within their own classrooms.